Hi ,
From last week , I completed Oracle Exadata POC with my customer and I'm very surprised with Exadata performance because first time I hearing about Exadata performance , I just say "I don't trust it" , "I can tuning sql , db performance faster than it." ok , don't talk to much.
This section I would like to proof concept of Smart file create on Oracle Exadata Feature.
See the follow Test case during S.. XXX Machine V.S. Exadata Machine.
-S... XXX disk I/O per sec around 384 MB /sec
-Number of disks is equal in +DATA diskgroup.
S.. XXX Machine
CHATCHAI_K > create tablespace TEST datafile '+DATA' size 30G , '+DATA' size 30G , '+DATA' size 30G , '+DATA' size 30G;
Tablespace created.
Elapsed: 00:06:15.23
Exadata Machine
EXADATA_HALF_RACK > create tablespace TEST datafile '+DATA' size 30G , '+DATA' size 30G , '+DATA' size 30G , '+DATA' size 30G;
Tablespace created.
Elapsed: 00:01:11.70
"Oh it faster" why it faster ? , I looking for v$sysstat relate optimizing file creation that oracle don't format any new data block in memory and sending through interconnect but I simply say hey ! storage server I would like to create 4 datafile each size 30G let do it for me , everyting offloading to the cell storage no format block level and more task on database server , This feature is call "Smart File Creation"
Cheer ,