วันเสาร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How do I change the name of the oracle database

Hi all this is first post in my web blog   , I'm database consult (oracle & mysql) , I would like to share some tip , technique and new technology of oracle and mysql to helping people be successful to  , from first topic we'll going  to how to change oracle database name as
here is step by step :
1. Backup the database first ( via alter tablespace begin backup , rman or some backup tools) (the process of backup that beyond scope of my topic.)

2. Logon to database and shutdown :
      $ sqlplus /nolog
      SQL> conn / as sysdba
      SQL> select count(1) from v$transaction
      or in RAC used gv$transaction instead.
      SQL> shutdown immediate;
      SQL> startup mount;
 3.  Call DBNEWID utility with sysdba
       $ nide target=sys/password dbname=new_name setname=yes
 4.   Shutdown database
 5.   Change New name :
       $ sqlplus /nolog
       SQL> conn / as sysdba
       SQL> startup nomount;
       SQL> alter system set db_name=new_name scope=spfile;
       SQL> shutdown immediate;
 6.   Create new password file
        $ orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/pwdnew_name.ora password=password entries=5
 7.    Reset ORACLE_SID environment in .profile (aix,solaris) or .bash_profile(linux)
        Change to
            ORACLE_SID=new_name;export ORACLE_SID
        or in the shell terminal try
            export ORACLE_SID=new_name
 8.    Alter listener.ora and tnsname.ora settings to match the new database and restart listener by:
        $ lsnrctl reload
  9.   Startup (no resetlog require for change database name only)
        $ sqlplus /nolog
        SQL> conn / as sysdba
        SQL> startup 

