วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

ORA-01410: invalid rowid

Oracle error ORA-01410: invalid rowid. It’s a problem I’ve responded to a few times in newsgroups and presentations, but I realised recently that despite mentioning it casually for several years I’ve never written a specific note about it – so here it is.

Although most indexes in Oracle can safely be left to keep themselves tidy and efficient some DBAs (possibly many DBAs) have been persuaded that rebuilding indexes regularly is a good thing. Other DBAs are a little more cautious and write programs that attempt to make a sensible decision about which indexes really do need to be rebuilt – and then report suspect indexes rather than rebuilding them.
Even if you fall into the latter group and do manage to identify the few indexes that can benefit from being rebuilt,be careful about letting the rebuilds take place automatically – the timing can be critical.
Consider this: if you rebuild an index (whether or not you use the online option) Oracle will copy the index contents from one location to another and, when the copy is complete, free up the space that held the original index contents.
What’s going to happen to a long running query that started running before you did your rebuild ? Surprisingly the query will carry on running using the “old” index. Oracle introduced a form of ‘cross-DDL read consistency’ many years ago to make partition maintenance operations possible, and that’s the feature that allows your query to carry on running.
But what’s going to happen if some other process now demands the space and puts something into it – for example by creating or extending a table or index (เช่นสร้าง table ใน tablespace เดียวกัน). The next time your long-running query hits the “old” index it may find itself looking at a block that contains the wrong type of data for the wrong object id. And so you get Oracle error ORA-01410: invalid rowid.
The effect is easy to demonstrate if you start with a completely empty tablespace (preferably locally managed with uniform extents, though this isn’t an absolute necessity):

###Prepare Environment
create table t1 nologging as
    rownum  id,
    rpad(rownum,10) v1,
    rpad('x',100)   v2
    rownum <= 10000;

alter table t1 add constraint t1_pk primary key(id);
execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'t1');

###Run Some SQL Report on Session1
    m_v1 varchar2(10);
    for r in (select /*+ index(t1) */  v1 from t1 where id > 0)
        m_v1 := r.v1;
    end loop;

###Open Session2 And Doing Following Command
alter index t1_pk rebuild online nologging;
create table t2 nologging as select * from t1;

The new table t2 should fill the hole left by rebuilding the index t1_pk, and your first session should crash moments later.
The behaviour is much less predictable on production systems, of course. In the real world a random process may simply crash at some random time in the overnight batch once every few weeks for no apparent reason

Credit : Jonathan Lewis

Hope this help you to more understand :D
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